Many guests complain about the smallest light leakage coming in through the window treatments. We have created the Ultimate Blackout Experience for your guests rooms, here are steps and tips you can implement to ensure your drapes are covering the most light as possible!
1. Take draperies all the way to the top! Add a valance or cornice box to block out all light from the top.

2. If possible, go wall-to-wall width. Unless you have a very large wall and smaller window, design wise, it wouldn't make sense (follow tip below if wall-to-wall is not doable). Click here to learn if wall-to-wall drapery is for you.

3. Go ceiling to floor height. If your AC units are under your window, we advise for your drapes to hang right on top of the AC unit and add stationery panels to block the light coming in from the sides of the bottom window area.

Image above: our client had window width blackout and sheer drapes and the blackout side panels on the sides of the AC .
4. Ask manufacturer to attach velcro strips to the back of the last drapery panel (on the ends). These attach height wise to the wall so drapery panels do not move.
5. If your drapes are split open in the middle, ask the manufacturer to provide the extra long carriers so that when the drapes close they cross in front of each other longer to ensure a longer closing.
If you want to go above and beyond to ensure maximum blackout, implement all of these tips!
Need help creating your Ultimate Blackout Experience drapes? Talk to a team member!