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  • Millenia Hospitality

2-pass vs. 3-pass Blackout

Blackout lining is used to cover the light from the windows. It can be used as its own drapery or we sew it to the back of a drapery fabric as a layer. We have provided you all the best information from the manufacturer itself so you can know which option is best for you.

What is a "Blackout" Drapery Lining? A Blackout Drapery Lining (BDL) is a base fabric with a coating that prevents exterior light from entering through a window.

Why is that important? Blackout drapery linings are important for the well being of the customer. Linings prevent the damaging effects of Ultra-Violet rays on furniture as well as the draperies themselves. As a result of this added on defense system, heating and air conditioning costs are reduced.

Are there different types of blackout drapery lining (BDLs)? BDLs can be divided into two main categories— "3-pass" and "2-pass". The difference between the two types lies in the manufacturing process. Your specific needs of the finished drapery treatment will in turn determine from which to choose.

2-pass is less expensive and its available in available in Grey/White and Grey/Ecru

3-Pass blackout is available in White/White, Ivory/White, Ivory/Ecru, and White/Ecru.

Can you describe the difference? In order to differentiate between the two, we will break down the processes. First, all BDLs start as a base cloth of some polyester/cotton blend. The 3-pass goes through a first coat or "pass" of white acrylic foam that seals the weave and will finish as the cloth side of the lining. The second pass consists of a black "opaque" coat, creating the lining feature to block light. The third pass is a "finish" coat available in either white or ecru coloring.

The 2-pass goes through the same manufacturing process, the exception being the very first pass of white acrylic foam. Therefore, the black opaque coat is applied directly to the base cloth and the cloth side in turn gives off a gray color.

Both styles are 100% blackout.

How do I decide whether to use a 2-pass or 3-pass BDL? A 2-pass is recommended when the lining is to be sewn into the drapery. A 3-pass is recommended when the lining is to be used as it’s own drapery. If the face fabric for sewn-in installation is light or transparent, a 3-pass is advised to prevent possible bleed-through of gray from 2-pass use.

Both styles hold same degree of blackout ability.

What about Flame Resistance? Roc-lon® BDLs are available in flame resistant (FR) and non-flame resistant (NFR) finishes. The flame resistant finish passes all federal, state, and local fire codes for utmost security. The FR BDL's are also certified to pass the NFPA 701 Standard Method of Fire Tests for Flame Propagation for Textiles and Films.

White or Grey? Which Side Faces the Window? BDLs were not manufactured for a specific placement order once in the home so the choice is completely up to the customer. Either way will still allow for 100% blackout so the decision boils down to personal preference.

***Many of our clients love when we use the grey side facing the window so when guests touch the drapery over time, the stains of food, oils, etc are not as visible as they would be on the white side of the fabric. -Millenia Hospitality***

How can I clean blackout drapery lining?

Click here for wash care instructions.

If you have any questions please contact us, we'd love to chat with you!

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